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Mostrando resultados 1 a 20 de 26

Fecha TítuloAutor(es)
2014A time-series approach to dynamical systems from classical and quantum worldsRUBEN YVAN MAARTEN FOSSION
2014Availability and use of dual energy X-rayabsorptiometry (DXA) and bio-impedance analysis (BIA)for the evaluation of sarcopenia by belgian and latin american geriatriciansEverardo Treviño Aguirre; MIRIAM TERESA LOPEZ TEROS; LUIS MIGUEL FRANCISCO GUTIERREZ ROBLEDO; Maurits Vandewoude; MARIO ULISES PEREZ ZEPEDA
2014Average years of life lost due to breast and cervical cancer and the association with the marginalization index in Mexico in 2000 and 2010.CLAUDIO ALBERTO DAVILA CERVANTES; Marcela Agudelo Botero
2014Caídas: revisión de nuevos conceptosESTEBAN CRUZ ARENAS; MARIANA GONZALEZ LARA; MIRIAM TERESA LOPEZ TEROS; Illythia Deyanira Godoy Castellanos; MARIO ULISES PEREZ ZEPEDA
2014Caregiver burden of Mexican dementia patients: The role of dysexecutive syndrome, sleep disorders, schooling and caregiver depressionOSCAR ROSAS CARRASCO; María de Guadalupe Guerra Silla; LAURA DEL PILAR TORRES ARREOLA; María del Carmen García Peña; CRISTOPHER ISAAC ESCAMILLA JIMENEZ; CESAR GONZALEZ GONZALEZ
2014Clinimetric testing in mexican elders: associations with age, gender, and place of residenceLOREDANA TAVANO COLAIZZI; PEDRO ARROYO ACEVEDO; ALVAR LORIA ACERETO; ANA BERTHA PEREZ LIZAUR; MARIO ULISES PEREZ ZEPEDA
2014Comparing the effects of two neurotoxins in cortical astrocytes obtained fron rats of different ages: involvement of oxidative damageADRIANA ALARCON AGUILAR; VIRIDIANA YAZMIN GONZALEZ PUERTOS; ARMANDO LUNA LOPEZ; AMBAR LOPEZ MACAY; Julio Morán Andrade; ABEL SANTAMARIA DEL ANGEL; MINA KONIGSBERG FAINSTEIN
2014Data-adaptive unfolding of nuclear excitation spectra: a time-series approachGAMALIEL TORRES VARGAS; RUBEN YVAN MAARTEN FOSSION; VICTOR MANUEL VELAZQUEZ AGUILAR; JUAN CARLOS LOPEZ VIEYRA
2014Differential distribution of HP1 proteins after trichostatin a treatment influences chromosomal stability in HCT116 and WI-38 cellsRodrigo González Barrios; Ernesto Soto_Reyes; RICARDO DAVID QUIROZ BAEZ; EUNICE FABIAN MORALES; José Díaz-Chávez; Victor Del Castillo; Julia Mendoza Pérez; ALEJANDRO LOPEZ SAAVEDRA; Clementina Castro; LUIS ALONSO HERRERA MONTALVO
2014Early modulation of the transcription factor Nrf2 in rodent striatal slices by quinolinic acid, a toxic metabolite of the kynurenine pathwayANA LAURA COLIN GONZALEZ; ARMANDO LUNA LOPEZ; MINA KONIGSBERG FAINSTEIN; JOSE PEDRAZA CHAVERRI; ABEL SANTAMARIA DEL ANGEL
2014Efecto de las muertes evitables y no evitables en la esperanza de vida en México, 1998-2000 y 2008-2010Marcela Agudelo Botero; CLAUDIO ALBERTO DAVILA CERVANTES
2014Idiopathic basal ganglia calcification as a differential diagnosis of parkinsonism: a case report in an older adultJocabed Rocha Balcazar; MARIO ULISES PEREZ ZEPEDA
2014Impacto de la salud: análisis longitudinal del empleo en edad media y avanzada en MéxicoCESAR GONZALEZ GONZALEZ; Rebeca Wong
2014El impacto de los determinantes sociales de la salud en los niñosLUIS JASSO GUTIERREZ; MARIANA LOPEZ ORTEGA
2014Integrated control of hepatic lipogenesis versus glucose production requires FoxO transcription factorsRebecca Haeusler; Kirsten Hartil; Bhavapriya Vaitheesvaran; ISABEL ARRIETA CRUZ; Colette Knight; Joshua R. Cook; Helene Kammoun; Mark Febbraio; ROGER GUTIERREZ JUAREZ;  Irwin J. Kurland; domenico accili
2014Lack of association of the polymorphisms IL-17A (−197G/A) and IL-17F (+7488A/G) with multibacillary leprosy in mexican patientsMONICA ESCAMILLA TILCH; Iris Estrada_Garcia; JULIO GRANADOS ARRIOLA; ROBERTO ARENAS GUZMAN; ROSALIO RAMOS PAYAN; THALIA GABRIELA PEREZ SUAREZ; María Isabel Salazar; Riky Luis Pérez Lucas; Sergio Estrada_Parra; NORA MAGDALENA TORRES CARRILLO
2014Mortalidad evitable en México y su contribución a los años de vida perdidos. Análisis por grado de marginación estatal, 2001-2010CLAUDIO ALBERTO DAVILA CERVANTES; Marcela Agudelo Botero
2014Mortality inequality among older adults in Mexico: the combined role of infectious and chronic diseasesCESAR GONZALEZ GONZALEZ; Rafael Samper-Ternent; Rebeca Wong; alberto palloni
2014Oxidative stress in aging: advances in proteomic approachesDANIEL ORTUÑO SAHAGUN; Mercè Pallàs; ARGELIA ESPERANZA ROJAS MAYORQUIN