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Mostrando resultados 1 a 7 de 7

Fecha TítuloAutor(es)
2020A novel model to quantify balance alterations in older adults based on the center of pressure (CoP) measurements with a cross-sectional studyANGEL GABRIEL ESTEVEZ PEDRAZA; LORENA PARRA RODRIGUEZ; RIGOBERTO MARTINEZ MENDEZ; OTNIEL PORTILLO RODRIGUEZ
2016Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the FRAIL scale to assess frailty in Mexican AdultsOSCAR ROSAS CARRASCO; ESTEBAN CRUZ ARENAS; LORENA PARRA RODRIGUEZ; Ana Isabel García González; Luis Horacio Contreras González; Claudia Szlejf
2016Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the spanish language version of the SARC-F to assess sarcopenia in Mexican community-dwelling older adultsLORENA PARRA RODRIGUEZ; Claudia Szlejf; Ana Isabel García González; Theodore Malmstrom; ESTEBAN CRUZ ARENAS; OSCAR ROSAS CARRASCO
2020Early estimation of the risk factors for hospitalization and mortality by COVID-19 in Mexico.María Fernanda Carrillo Vega; GUILLERMO SALINAS ESCUDERO; Luis Miguel Gutiérrez Robledo; LORENA PARRA RODRIGUEZ
2019Network analysis of frailty and aging: Empirical data from the MexicanHealth and Aging StudyMaría del Carmen García Peña; RICARDO RAMIREZ ALDANA; LORENA PARRA RODRIGUEZ; JUAN CARLOS GOMEZ VERJAN; MARIO ULISES PEREZ ZEPEDA; LUIS MIGUEL FRANCISCO GUTIERREZ ROBLEDO
2017Osteosarcopenic Obesity: Prevalence and Relation With Frailty and Physical Performance in Middle-Aged and Older WomenClaudia Szlejf; LORENA PARRA RODRIGUEZ; OSCAR ROSAS CARRASCO
2020Portable electronic device to assess the human balance using a minimum number of sensorsANGEL GABRIEL ESTEVEZ PEDRAZA; RIGOBERTO MARTINEZ MENDEZ; OTNIEL PORTILLO RODRIGUEZ; Jorge Rodriguez Arce; LORENA PARRA RODRIGUEZ