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Mostrando resultados 1 a 8 de 8

Fecha TítuloAutor(es)
2017Envejecimiento y demencias en México desde una perspectiva de GéneroPALOMA ARLET ROA ROJAS; ADRIAN MARTINEZ RUIZ; LUIS MIGUEL FRANCISCO GUTIERREZ ROBLEDO
2020Factors associated with terminally ill people who want to dieGary Cheung; ADRIAN MARTINEZ RUIZ; Rebecca Knell; Anne O´Callaghan; Dawn Guthrie
2020Individual risk factors for possible undetected dementia amongst community-dwelling older people in New ZealandADRIAN MARTINEZ RUIZ; Ying Huang; Susane Gee; Hamish Jamieson; Gary Cheung
2018Intervenciones clínicas en obesidad osteosarcopénica: alimentación, actividad física y psicológicaAna Isabel García González; Zoraida Axtle Serrano; MIRIAM TERESA LOPEZ TEROS; Claudia Szlejf; ADRIAN MARTINEZ RUIZ; OSCAR ROSAS CARRASCO
2021Living with Dementia in Aotearoa (LiDiA): a cross-sectional feasibility study protocol for a multiethnic dementia prevalence study in Aotearoa/New ZealandADRIAN MARTINEZ RUIZ; Susan Yates; Gary Cheung; Makarena Dudley; Rita Krishnamurthi; Fuafiva Fa’alau; Mary Roberts; Seini Taufa; Jacinta Fa’alili-Fidow; Claudia Rivera Rodriguez; Sarah Cullum
2016Neuropsychiatric symptoms distress comparison between caregivers of Alzheimer disease and frontolobar degeneration patientsFRANCISCO LEONARDO RAMIREZ CUAPIO; ADRIAN MARTINEZ RUIZ; Ana Luisa Sosa Ortiz
2018Pilot study and key feasibility factors of a staff training intervention and reduction of antipsychotic prescription practice in Mexican urban care homes: study protocolSARA TORRES CASTRO; MARIANA LOPEZ ORTEGA; ADRIAN MARTINEZ RUIZ; LUIS MIGUEL FRANCISCO GUTIERREZ ROBLEDO; Dr Azucena Guzman
2018Sarcopenia, but not sarcopenic obesity, is associated with clinically significant depressive symptoms in Older Mexican adultsADRIAN MARTINEZ RUIZ; Paloma Roa-Rojas; OSCAR ROSAS CARRASCO